Monday, July 8, 2013

Disgust # 1 -Tag it right


What happens when you buy a bunch of items after some contemplation on price and quality. Then you head to the cash till only to find that the prices at the shelf were all messed up!

An increasingly painful peeve of today's shoppers. With increasing sales, and promotions, changing from one day to the next, smooth logistics in updating price tags throughout the countless aisles can turn out to be a complex task. 

Say a store has 2000 shelves, with a 50 product categories on each shelf. Updating (manually) 100,000 price tags everyday, can lead to errors even from the best of us. I had one bad experience. and it was a price difference of 20 cents. But I think of it. Every time I step into the grocery store. Every time I pick a loaf of bread, I wonder if it actually costs that much. Every time I run through my bill, I try hard to remember if the price tags I saw on the shelves tally with the bill in my hand. And almost each time I get stuck on one or two items, sure that I have been ripped. 

Now even though the store did not rip me, the experience took a lot away from my shopping experience. And it will take a lot of fully satisfactory cycles, for me to 'trust' the store again.

A stitch in time, could have saved nine.

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